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That one hour a week brings me so much joy.


My husband and I missed out on our alone time together last week and oh man can I feel it.

I love love my kids and our family time, but spending alone time with my husband is something I treasure so deeply.

This weekend I caught myself—in the fun and mess of parenting two small kids—staring at him. He would catch me and I would just blurt out “babe you’re really good lookin” he would laugh me off and say, “thanks babe” and we would go back to playing blocks or coloring with the kids.

I caught myself staring at him because to me he IS so good looking, but also because I was craving time to just sit across from him and talk. I was craving time to look at him face to face and have him hear me and see me, as much I wanted to hear him and see him.

I wanted to hear his voice tell me about the things he has going on. I wanted to hear him talk about his job and his music. I wanted to just spend time with him so I found my glances shifting from our sweet kids faces and into his direction more than usual this weekend.

Last week we missed our date time together. It’s only one hour a week but that one hour gives me so much joy. It’s truly the only hour we sit across from one another alone and actually talk to each other with out a million interruptions from sweet little voices. It’s one hour we talk about life that doesn’t involve schedules, appointments, budgets, and grocery lists. It’s one hour we share the burdens and the joys of our hearts to one another.

Some couples may get more time together but in this season of life with the schedules and life we have, that one hour for Friday lunch is all we get.

That one hour is such a purposeful part of our marriage. I truly treasure that one hour.

This weekend we sat shoulder to shoulder playing peek-a-boo and watching cartoons.

We stood side by side preparing sandwiches without crusts—placing them in Disney character plates with fresh blueberries and Oreos.

We served up snacks and snuggles.

We rocked and tucked in.

We made crafts, baked cookies, and we danced to last weeks’s VBS songs on repeat.

We took time to split the kids to each have individual dates with them so both of them felt connected and special to mom and dad.

We went out to dinner taking turns keeping the baby happy in the restaurant.

We had a near perfect family weekend but I did miss my hour with just him.

I wouldn’t trade our life for any other, we have the family we so diligently prayed for, but I do feel it when I miss the time we set aside during the week for just us.

My heart smiles for the family memories we made this weekend and it also lovingly awaits our hour together this week.



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